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Special Education ICELAND


Teaching and learning in special education:
The Icelandic perspective

ICELAND (Reykjavik)
Early years, primary and secondary

Dates for 2025 coming soon

Download the course brochure

To book your place contact the team at

Course summary

This 5-day course is designed for early years,  primary and secondary staff. It aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the special education system in Iceland in order to broaden participants’ understanding of the nation's practices and policies. It is generally agreed that this knowledge can be redeployed within international settings. The course methodology encourages active participation, sharing of good practice and reflection of teaching methodologies applied in the classroom to improve the provision and the quality of education in the participants’ own settings.

Cost: £1250 ( twin/shared accommodation)

The course includes:

  • 4 nights accommodation with breakfast in twin/shared rooms

  • Reflective and planning sessions

  • Visits to local schools

  • 3 lunches and 3 evening meals as specified in the detailed programme.

NOTE: Travel to and from Iceland is NOT included in the price above

What participants have said about this course

"It was a fantastic week and I feel extremely privileged to have spent so much time learning from another culture who have shared so much with us. I know now I am going to be able to take so much back to London and I am very grateful for that."

Imogen BoSmith, England

"It has been really motivating and open minded to see how things are made in other countries."

Jara Salguero, Spain

"A great experience! we had time to learn and work together."

Filipe Miguel da Silva Vilar